The sector

Key elements

+ 10 start-ups in Sophia Antipolis
Smart Territory oriented
Smart Port Project
Proptech initiatives

focus on projects

Business Immo ESSA PROPTECh

Smart Territory 3IA Côte d’Azur

In April 2019, Nice-Sophia Antipolis was appointed by an international jury as the site for a research institute dedicated to artificial intelligence and its applications in the fields of health, digital biology and smart city.

Concerning smart city, 3IA Côte d’Azur specifically addresses the theme of “AI and smart and secure territories”

The research teams working more specifically on energy applications, distribution systems, multimodal shared mobility, connected and autonomous vehicles, collaborative robots in a real environment, global environmental monitoring, etc.

It is also important to consolidate the focus on “security, securing and resilience”, using 3 and 4D modelling technologies of towns and territories, modelling of systems and flows (pedestrians, vehicles, interactions), prediction and anticipation of major risks.


The research environment

The mission of the Scientific and Technical Centre for Building [CSTB] is to guarantee the quality and safety of buildings. To this end, it brings together multidisciplinary expertise to develop and pool key scientific and technological insights.

In Sophia Antipolis, the CSTB is acquiring expertise in digital technology, energy and the environment. It also brings together the teams who develop business-specific software and online information services for construction and urban planning professionals. It is in the genetic makeup of CSTB engineers, researchers and technicians to use new technologies to advance the performance of projects. They also have sophisticated equipment to integrate, test, experiment, validate and certify solutions.

The multidisciplinary teams support the digitalisation of the construction and urban planning sector, through the development of methodologies and business-specific software. Building on their BIM expertise, they also help improve and deploy the digital model on various levels.

The Sophia Antipolis teams possess skills in the field of renewable energies and energy recovery systems. They can thus support partners in the development of solar or multi-energy equipment and systems.

Partners involved

Sophia Antipolis companies


iQualit provides IT services to companies in the Liffe Sciences sector, in compliance with business standards.